小鼠 Th1/ Th2 与 Th17/ Treg 平衡,8 合 1 一次看全

2024-11-26 09:49:39

Th1、Th2、Th17、Treg等细胞系出同源,由CD4+ T细胞受不同刺激分化而来。正常机体的Th1、Th2、Th17、Treg 细胞处于动态平衡;若平衡被破坏,将导致过敏性、自身免疫性、炎症性的疾病产生。

【arigo】双十一,就该买 1 送 1

2024-11-12 09:34:22

双十一光棍节, arigoPLEX® 多因子试剂盒要脱单。 即日起至 11 月 15 日止, arigoPLEX®多因子试剂盒买一送一。 买到不剁手,错过难回首。 立马挑选 arigoPLEX®多因子试剂盒! * 可选不同货号,价高者计。 * 终端客户独享,不限购买数目。 * 不与其他优惠并用。

Monkeypox virus proteinsand antibodies

2024-10-24 13:51:08

arigo offers monkeypox virus proteinsand antibodies to facilitate thebiological research, as well as thedevelopment of diagnostic reagents ortherapeutic solutions.

arigoPLEX® Multiplex ELISA Kits

2024-10-24 13:34:56

arigo is proud to introduce arigoPLEX® product line Multiplex ELISA Kits thatallow detection of four or eightcytokines simultaneously.lt makes thecomplex quantification of multiplecytokines easy and efficient.


2024-09-24 16:38:38

AREX Biosciences is proud to announce the launch of our new ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) series, designed for the quantitative measurement of target proteins in various biological samples, including serum, plasma, cell culture supernatants, u

Porcine Reproductive and RespiratorySyndrome Virus Antibody Test Kit(PRRS X3 Ab)

2024-09-24 16:38:38

Porcine Reproductive and RespiratorySyndrome Virus Antibody Test Kit(PRRS X3 Ab), the kit is an enzyme.linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)designed to detect PRRS antibodies inserum samples.

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